Thursday, December 15, 2011

Don't be afraid to eat!

Have you ever heard the phrase about capturing a mans heart through his stomach? Well, it's true. Men love food! What men love even more is women who love food too. Don't be that girl that eats a salad on the first date. Be confident, and order a steak! You should be enjoying yourself, not worrying about if you look like a fatty. Men like women with curves.

At, men give their opinions on girls who hardly eat or try to look perfect on the first date. One of the comments that stuck out to me was "I love it when a woman eats. If a woman does not eat if we are out on a date, that is a major turn off. MAJOR." When you pick at your food, it shows you are not confident and unsure of yourself. He wants a confident, curvy vixen!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Feel free to comment on any of my posts. I'd love to hear feedback.

To snoop, or not to snoop...

So you're hanging out with your significant other, and somehow, you are left alone with their cell phone. Or they leave their facebook page signed in. Or they leave their email open. Tempting....

A little sneak peek is innocent right? Just to see what they are doing, who they talk to, if they are talking to another guy or girl, to see who texted them late last night, hey, wait, who is this bitch?!?! Oh... it's just his cousin.

According to, 7 out of 10 women think its perfectly acceptable to snoop through their significant others cell phone. If you ask men the same question, only 1 out of 10 think its acceptable to snoop through their girlfriends cell phone.

It's easy to see something small and innocent and completely overreact. But in the long run, if you don't trust the person you are with... then why are you with them? You shouldn't have to audit their communication regularly. If you think someone is cheating on you and you cannot ask them a direct question about it, then you have some deeper issues that need to be addressed, such as lack of communication.

I've done my fair share of snooping, but the guys that I did snoop with I later learned that I couldn't trust, and I knew it at the time I was searching through their cell phone. Never again will I be that girl. I know better now.